New version of "Generation Tree" 1.3.0
A new version 1.3.0 of the program "Tree of Generations" was released.
New opportunities:
- added a new kind of tree: ancestors - from below, descendants - from above.
- new Timeline report.
- correct drawing of the tree for common ancestors of different branches of the tree
- when the program is started, checking if a new version of the program is available, if there is a new version, the user is prompted to download it.
- the favorites in the person table are highlighted in blue bold, the column "favorite" is added to the person table.
- If no projects are open, the "Import GedCom" command is added to the "New Project" and "Open Project" commands.
- In the program settings, a new section "System" is added, which contains the proxy server and port parameters when synchronizing with the mobile client.
- correctly displays the vertical and horizontal scroll bars when viewing a tree
- fixed bug when activating (not saving the entered data by person) needed a reboot
- fixed bug when building a tree when the state from Docking panels was restored.
- bug fixed "qryQuery: Missing SQL property".
- bug fixed "The edit value is invalid".
- fixed old bugs, added new ones: -)